P.T.T. (Primary Teacher Training)
Primary Teacher Training
The PTT course is a special endeavor in the field of primary education.
The course trains the teachers to develop their distinctive teaching and professional skills with comprehensive knowledge about the impactful pedagogical theories of primary education. Through the course, the candidates become well adapt in their dream profession and act as a guiding light for the young learners.



Community Sesstions

Professional Teachers

The candidates develop skills like responsibility, punctuality, critical and analytical thinking, and creativity, imagination techniques with all the modern methods & strategies of teaching.
The candidates learn to make classroom learning more effective and enjoyable for the primary children and help them grow according to the best of their abilities.
The PTT course comprises of educational philosophy, child psychology, knowledge of various developmental stages of children, child centered approach, use of technology in the field of education, lesson planning, classroom management and basic knowledge of school organization & management.