Franchise Benefits
why Start AIICCE Center
- Not impacted by business cycles
- A Growing market Awareness for quality N.T.T growing
- All cash business- Not credit
- No stress of unsold inventory & wastages
- Low real estate cost-prime commercial location not required
- Holidays as per Gazette Holiday
- A positive work environment
- Respect from the community
- The high degree of Satisfaction as you are giving a foundation to so many women lives
- Easy Work timings.

The AIICCE Advantage
- Delhi’s No.1 brand
- Many A.I.I.C.C.E branches nationwide
- Owned and managed by highly qualified and most experienced management team in the Education industry of franchising experience.
- 100% management focus on running AIICCE Center
- Continuity in relationships as a direct access to the management
- Books and circulars written & designed in house exclusively for the benefit of A.I.I.C.C.E
- In house designed prospectus & marketing material
- Quality assured ISO 9001 certified organization
- Free Inter branch transfer of children
- Sense of ownership as each branch has its own individual name identity
- Goodwill among the parents means they willing to pay the premium brand
- A culture of trust & faith built on sound values
- Bonus profits from summer & winter camp, evening hobby classes
- Every one like our colourful uniform
- No charges for gradation
- Special price on opening further branches
- Reasonable Franchise fee and royalty
- A.I.I.C.C.E will be provide the flex (Banner) of the institute
Rights, Responsibilities And Work
1.To distribute Study & Teaching Materials.
2. To make arrangements for the Exam and appoint invigilator & Examiners after obtaining approval from the A.I.I.C.C.E.
3. To collect Enrollment/Examination Forms, Exam materials etc. from the A.I.I.C.C.E office from time to time and keep them in safe custody and maintain confidentiality.
4. Generally, N.T.T/P.T.T/N.P.T.T/C.T.T. courses are conducted daily basis or at weekend.
5. Teacher Salary & Educational institutes Rent is paid by the Center in-charge/Franchisee.
6. For success full running of the above course, all the Advertisement expenses will be borne by the centre in charge/Franchisee.
7. The Center in charge will submit the new admission within 30 days from the date of the admission at A.I.I.C.C.E
8. A.I.I.C.C.E will issue an identity card (Free of cost) & Enrollment Number after receiving the admission form with the fee.
9. To Prepare a statement of Registered Students coming for study at the Center and submit the same to the A.I.I.C.C.E form time to time and also to finish required documents for the inspection of the A.I.I.C.C.E representatives.
10. To arrange for conducting the exam of students transferred from another centre and submit the same to the A.I.I.C.C.E.
11. The Center Incharge has to make arrangements for the practical exams.
12. To observe scrupulously all instructions/orders issued by form time to time do nothing which may violate A.I.I.C.C.E Or come in the way of the code of conduct laid down by the A.I.I.C.C.E
13. For immediate reply please send a stamped envelope along with the request.
14. Any query, the centre-in charge may contact the Head Office in persons or by telephone on any working day.
15. Hindi is the recognized language in case of any controversy-English is just a translation.
16. Any center violating the rules or working against the prestige will run the risk of its registration cancel without any prior notice and all expense thereon will be borne by the centre in charge.
17. In the event of any Controversy/Dispute amount of any student/Member/Teacher/Employee of the Center or Institute will be resolved by the Committee appointed by the ALL INDIA Institute of Child Care and Education, New Delhi, Direct approach to the court will not be permissible, the decision of the committee is final.